
I think the people who are complaining are saying that it wasn't built up to properly. We said goodbye to nice Stannis who talked to Sam about dragonglass and almost hugged his daughter at the Wall and then BAM he was supposedly in totally, completely, daughter-burningly dire straits. Or maybe he was always an

Or we could talk about the REAL real issue which continues to be Jaime's disastrous hair.

I guess it has to have been either him or Daario, as someone else said, or why else would they subject us to that telenovela bedchamber scene with Daario and Dany?

It has been one cliché after another.

As a nonreader I can say that the show hasn't made me interested at all in who was behind it and I doubt it will be an issue. I could see it being Daario trying to frame the guy Dany is going to marry, but that seems like an unnecessarily complicated plot to unravel when it doesn't matter anyway.

Honestly, just as many people seem upset by the crappy CGI at the stadium. This episode had something for every kind of watcher to dislike.

The show didn't draw enough of a connection between the Stannis who asked Sam about dragons at the Wall and the Stannis who burns people alive because they disagree with Melisandre. They don't stay with him long enough in an episode for us to get to know him.

Droll means humorous. I agree that the scene was undersold.

No one seemed to notice how he wanted to screw Melisandre right after she told him about her plan to sacrifice Shireen. She had to shake him off. The dude has always been an asshole.

Stannis did say that he "loved" Shireen because she was Lady Shireen of House Baratheon, and Lord Stannis's daughter. I was chilled by that and wondered why everyone else was saying "Aw" about that scene.

It's really not, though. Look at the hypocritical twists and turns fundamentalists will take to shield their kids. Stannis's wife is even more a believer in the Lord of Light than he is, but she broke down. I know a lot of readers don't find that plausible but I think they put it in to show that Stannis goes beyond

She pulled out the bad acting stops tonight, didn't she? Only Myrcella rivals her in the bad acting sweeps, and that's in an episode with Sand Snakes.

That would work if the audience was on his side at this point. As it is he'll probably forge an alliance with the Boltons and be sitting on the Iron Throne at the end of the next episode.

I don't think it's going to matter. I mean, might as well ask why the rest of the Sons of Harpies didn't just kill Tyrion and Co after Dany flew off, right?

"Don't you even Napoleon, dude?"

I've just remembered that there was a moment where I thought there would be angry comments about that burning horse. That was … before.

The show has made us have to put these dots together for ourselves too much. It didn't spend enough time on Stannis. They should have had the guts to leave Dorne out.

Slightly lower than the chances of Ramsey raping her right before Stannis burns her at the stake, I'd say.

I think Mereen felt "meh" for me because I don't think Dany on the show has earned a miraculous deliverance from the shitty scenario she created there. Her behavior with Dario and Dude-she-married felt almost Cersei-like to me, too. I wasn't ready to cheer for her deliverance.

Have you noticed there seems to be less and less aftermath/fallout/consequences? I hope something comes of it but I wouldn't be surprised at this point if nothing does.