
I was thinking there was no way Mr Trivia Jared would have to have Schrodinger's Cat explained to him.

Tonight I cleared up a longstanding (with myself) mystery about the connection between certain drugs and certain segments of the population.

Reading this a year later I'd say Season 5 has been even more about the big, episode-saving moment. White Walker ex machina, dragon ex machina — everyone says "This was the best episode ever" and forgets that the plot as a whole didn't move forward one bit and most of the rest of the scenes were head-scratchingly

Yeah, a "naked walk." I kept seeing talk about that too, and keep waiting for it to happen.

I'm sure there are things yet to be revealed but even so it doesn't seem odd to me that she left with him. She tried, however obliquely, to help Will. She knows one doesn't escape Hannibal. She's trying to survive.

I thought that was Hannibal's trademark "If you hadn't already made the dinner list you would be on it now" expression. He is not into tacky bourgeois sexual hijinks.

I'm going to throw down and admit that I was really hoping Alana was dead.

Bryan Fuller's like "My show is so good I can tell everyone exactly what's coming up and it won't matter." And he's right.

When will onscreen people learn to pack efficiently? It's either that or having to go back for the ticket.

I think Freddie's clothes were generally pretty derided here, especially in S1.

Freddie's clothes have generally been kind of irritatingly costumey. Margot's: also costumey but not irritating because she's a more outlandish character. DuMaurier's clothes this episode were the first time they've combined costume and fashion as well as this.

I love people with a severe deficit of camp. They are so amusing, although they probably taste like sawdust.

And that is just prosaic Balto. God knows what's running around in all that European grandeur.

I wasn't. I like how cold this show is.

Looking at comments on some other sites I saw a lot of headscratching.

That is what people who don't understand why people who love the show love it SO MUCH don't understand. We see the cheesiness — we love it.

Oddly, I was thinking partly of your excellent critiques when I wrote that, MinaJen.

I think she's too old.

I like the nobility his character has in those scenes, though. He is being degraded beyond the level of simply being killed and yet precisely because he is in that position he is able to talk fearlessly to Hannibal. And Hannibal at times looks briefly disconcerted. That says something weirdly, blackly optimistic about

I noticed it too and thought it was definitely more deliberate in this episode than it's been before. I mean, there was one point where I thought the dripping taps had something to do with the actual plot, absurd as that seems. There were a couple of surreal scenes of rain that felt like callbacks to the final scene