
Except we know that they have to have full blown Winter to do that, right?

I thought he was going to freeze the water and the wights were going to run across and slaughter everyone.

Also, I've just remembered that conversation last week where Sam and Gilly were talking about how Sam had promised to take care of Baby Sam. Or maybe Gilly had promised it. I can't remember which one it was but I do remember thinking it sounded scarily like a pre-death conversation.

I think the whole season has been building up to Olly's trying to kill Jon Snow. I just hope he doesn't succeed. It says a lot for how Jon Snow has grown this season that I can say that.

I thought when Sam said "Yes, that is what I believe" that Olly was going to kill him right there. Because that is what this show has done to me. So yeah, I'm fearing for Jon Snow on his return.

Well that's encouraging because if there's one thing watching tv has taught me it's that he who is capable of showing off is capable of being killed.

I thought the fight got better as it went along. (At first I thought the wights looked like something from that old Sinbad the Sailor movie.) But I agree with you about the Arya section. I was annoyed by a side plot both starting up and being kind of complicated when all the other action is nearing its climax.

My kids went to see TJ Miller two nights ago. They said he was "amazing."

Did you hack me you skullfucker?

It's a good last brand to transition into vaping with. Actually, I'm surprised there hasn't been any making fun of e-cigs on SV. Come to think of it I'm glad there hasn't been because I'm already tired of making fun of e-cigs.

I don't see how she could be Raviga. I think she needs to be on the same level as the Pied Piper guys. But I agree that I don't think the new Peter is working out very well.

I was really surprised he told them he did it. I thought he would just scoot out of there.

I've been thinking all season that they'll be working with Gavin next season. But this show is hard to predict so who knows?

I'll miss Erlich sitting up expectantly.

My opinion of Monica has gone way up this season. I think she's an excellent straight man — not easy to pull off.

I wasn't buying Richard in this episode.

Midwestern twang. Southern drawl.

The way he says his "i"s gives him away.

My daughter and I are convinced they have the same accent coach.

And yet Fisk did not understand the meaning and it seemed the two guys in the truck with him had never heard it before.