
Doesn't help that the title sounds like a Transformers movie. "Pacific Rim" is a badass name. "Uprising" is an ass name.

I would just like you all to know that the other day I found the stock photo of @coffee_dad and now every time I see an article on AV Club it has his shining face in the advertisements:

If you are in Milwaukee or going in the next week or two, the museum is still running their exhibit on German silent movies from the 20s. Was really interesting. Less behind-the-scenes and more of an artistic analysis, though.

Okay, I won't.

Will it be as good as "Save the Date" on Comedy Bang! Bang!?

I thought Chef (2014) was a documentary about a food truck until Dustin Hoffman appeared on screen. I saw John Favreau and thought, "that's weird, but I guess he owns the truck."

I heard a rumor that the opening sequence is the characters sitting at their space desks and then they each look at the camera while fun music plays in the background

I thought it was a little obvious but maybe I'm missing the mark, but Tom James trying to get Selina to bail out her boyfriend's bank seemed like a deliberate attempt to ruin her presidential bid.

pleasecastjoshgad pleasecastjoshgad pleasecastjoshgad

Seems like they're missing out on incorporating what obviously looks like a lightsaber (the status bar thing)

Scott mentioned in a tweet that because of the single takes, they challenged themselves to do really hard things (which is one of the reasons there's a blindfolded monologue sequence, I imagine)

Wait so the force was asleep this whole time?