
Dave was right. I wish there was this much outrage for Cuties. I’m sure Netflix lost more subscribers for Cuties than The Closer.

People in the real world do not represent Twitter/Kinja outrage. Thankfully this will all blow over after the next big thing hits the news on Monday.

No one of significance will cancel their Netflix subscription, actual black man will continue making lots of money and fame, and the world turns on.

And no, just like

I get what you’re saying but since this special I’m sure there are a lot more new Netflix subscribers and a lot more people who viewed the special than there people who cancelled their subscription due to it.

I wonder how many people are now pretending to cancel their NETFLIX subscriptions?  Yep, we know the truth. dragged the NOI into this?

Yes, maybe he did screw up the apology, but I hope he stands his ground on this issue. Comedians have the right to free speech, and they are equal opportunity offenders to everybody. I am straight and I heard things that offended me, but it didn’t trigger me to lead an insurrection against him. Everyone (who doesn’t

Except Hardin can shoot and is an asset to your team.  

Context is key. It’s politicizing his death in relation to the vaccine.

In order to refuse to be a backup, tou utter fucking dunce, he would need to have been given the opportunity in the first place. He was not. Nobody would sign him, even as a backup. Thats, you know, kind of the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT. Good grief...

Dan Graziano.

To the concern troll grays,

Just going to point out, even the Packers model is a sham.  Stakeholders don’t get dividends, can’t sell their shares except to the Packers, and don’t hold equity.  The fans don’t own the Packers.

Nobody said that. Everyone knows anti-vaxxers are deluded crackpots. Which just so happens to encompass all the MAGA Chuds.  Subset, my dude.

That said. Nobody should be surprised that Mr.-Flat-Earth would buy into anti-vaxx nonsense. I can’t tell if the truly believes either or if he just likes the attention.

Three, that’s the amount of people who have died from the vaccine, they got blood clots from the J&J shot. There can be long lasting effects from covid as well.

People goto comedy shows with the understanding that jokes may be made that hurt your feelings. Kudos to Dave for standing up for his art. I watched the special and understand how people can be mad because as a black man I was offended at times by his depictions of MLK however I understood where I was at and moved on

So throwing the N word around all the time is any better?

Finally got around to watching it last night, so 2 observations:

i actually stand with Chapelle. Comedy was literally killed these past decade because of cancel culture. When was the last time you saw a GOOD comedy movie? Comedy should be what it is, a no hold back, uncomfortable skill.. THAT’S what makes comedy funny. I feel for the comedians who felt recently because of this

The problem is what we deem as hate speech or comedy. Nowadays, everything is deemed offensive but also offenses are politicized.

The words “cancel” and “cancel culture” aren’t going anywhere because you don’t like the words. Just because you don’t like something, it necessarily rise to the level of being canceled.


Does anyone know how to use their remote control anymore? If you don’t like something....don’t watch it. No one has the right to dictate what other people watch or listen to.