
You’re getting death threats because of Dave Chappelle?

“Punching down.” Another critic who didn’t even watch the special.

Dave DIDN’T punch down. If you missed the point of what he said, you didn’t watch it and are just complaining about what you heard others say  was said.

I just want someone to list the specific statements, emotions, comments and perspectives that Chapelle made, displayed and said that were “wrong.”

Prior could never survive today. Never. And, he was black and bi-sexual. 

I’m pretty tired of people thinking that all offense is intentional. I saw the show and he was explicitly trying to point out that the rights and social acceptability of LGBTQ people and issues have advanced at hyperspeed compared to the struggles Black people STILL face. Did he do it artfully? Nope. Did he offend

I get your point.  Got back and listen to Pryor.  The dude that had an LP the was called “That Nigger’s Crazy”, which was comedy to all.  A lot of comedians wen’t overbroad back in the day.  i guess Flip Wilson’s Geraldine would be cancelled too, if it was on today.  

I have always assumed that all white people are racist and I’ve never given them the benefit of the doubt - hating on black people is part of the make up of every white American, and that’s a fact.

Listen... I followed his career from the time I was a kid. Dave has literally made crude jokes about everything off-putting within our society/norms and everybody’s “groups”. This level of vitriol is disturbing and worrisome. Funny is subjective. Funny until offensive. Your not laughing then turn it off. It’s not for

I’m still trying to figure out what he said that was transphobic or homophobic. All he said is gay white people become default bigot American White when it suits them and that being gay or trans doesn’t automatically make you an ally of Black people. What about this statement is untrue?

I think you’re missing out, I found his specials pretty damn funny for the most part, and the last one got genuinely touching at the end.

He was arguing precisely the opposite, stating that gay people have more power and social standing than black men. Hence the joke about da baby getting into more trouble for making gay people feel bad then killing a human being in a Wal-Mart. Listen to the entire special.

Just as he said, you can kill a black person, but you better not make an LGBTQ mad. 

I admit, I cringed a little watching the show, but maybe watch it entirely to the end before commenting.

How many racists have a “my black friend” to point to when accused of racism

I’m sorry but, “I’m not saying it’s not pussy, but it’s Beyond Pussy or Impossible Pussy.” is funny.

Millions of people laugh at his specials.  They are immensely popular.  YOU don’t like him.  The rest of us still think he’s hilarious and wish you puritan Twitter ass hats would go away.

Nah, Dave is a genius. He has rightly pointed put that you can say anything you want about Black people and none cares, ‘cause its comedy’ ; make fun of the Alphabet Groups, you are literally the antichrist. The hypocrisy of some of you is fascinating. And comical.

If Netflix pulls this I’m cancelling my membership. This is nonsense. No one gets immunity from jokes. Making one group off limits will just lead to another group that wants special protection from humor.