
Or, like any normal team, it took time for everyone to get on the same page, especially considering that a lot of these guys had never played together for any length of time. There were a ton of first time Olympians on this squad, and roles had to be clarified. The typical USA Basketball fan is spoiled rotten, people

Black people need to stop acting like expecting an adult to take care of her own business is asking for too much. Guess what, BILLIONAIRES have tossed ungrateful, underachieving kids out multiple times, especially when a kid consistently does hurtful things to the family or refuses to seek help for an addiction. Ever

Wow, just wow. Nice to know that there are plenty of enablers and overgrown children on this site, because there’s no way that a rational adult would tolerate a 38 year old adult, WITH FOUR CHILDREN OF THEIR OWN, throwing a hissy fit because their successful father refuses to support them.

If you haven’t made it as a rapper by 38, there’s no hope for you. 

Maybe she can’t rap. Dre has been a producer and rapper for a long time, he would know.

She is 40 years old, at what point do we take responsibility for our own lives. All the things going wrong in this world and in this country, and you wasted time on article about the adult woman who couldn’t get her daddy’s money. 

It’s telling your 38 year old to grow the hell up.

She is THIRTY EIGHT years old and if he’s been taking care of her every need for the last 20 years and if she continues to be an unproductive, ungrateful, inactive grown ass woman then I could kinda see Dre’s side. So that absolute youre talking about is bull ish

People that automatically assume Dre is in the wrong here may need some more life experience. I have no clue what their relationship is like or what happened between them, but I do know what it’s like to have a close family member that is a self-sabotaging fuck up! You can’t help someone that refuses to help

Then there’s the argument that the very idea of celebrating the concept of “Black Excellence” is that it is also celebrating the possibilities of creating Black generational wealth (of which we have a stark gap in comparison to white wealth). This turn of events—and those arguing that Dre shouldn’t be obligated to

Soooo...where’s her mother??

why won't her mom help her ?

It can be hard to believe what one has never experienced.
You know how most white people experience white privilege? As the way people should be treated. Nothing special, just the way you treat people.
Even ones who say, when CRT is explained to them, “People have to be taught that?” don’t experience or even witness

The Solutrean Hypothesis is exact sort of pseudo-science that is typically employed by White bigots, but it’s nice to know that the same completely unfounded, ahistorical conjecture can also be used in the service of anti-White bigotry as well. Good show!

You sound like the mf he's talking about.

We are cut from a different cloth. If we were not, you would be dead already. Pray that we continue to only want justice. 

Yes, statistics are just so inherently fair but especially to white folk. As far as facts, yeah, go ahead and live in an imaginary world where black people would be every bit as oppressive and shitty had the actual history of white people being oppressive and shitty never happened. You know what a key component of

peepole (I don’t care enough to take the time to use the correct numbers in the spelling) is the latest racist cancer infecting this website.

If that’s the message you’re getting, there’s little hope for you.

I’m white and even I am starting to fucking hate white people.