
I’m sure you really think you made a clever argument there...

I don’t think he would have been interested in your newsletter.

Smith is actually promoting CRT with this statement, but he doesn’t realize it.
CRT is a Marxist theory of historiography. Marxism in this sense doesn’t refer to communism, but to the idea that history was/is driven by materialistic realities and not ideals. The alternative term that doesn’t make Republican heads

Unless you’re a billionaire NFL owner getting jerked off.

The first three seasons of “Sons” is fantastic and if it had ended with the season 3 finale, it would be one of my favorite shows ever. If it ended there, with them killing Stahl and handing Jimmy over to the Russians, it’s an all-timer.

Of course no one calls security or attempts to intervene. And the only concern that the other white customers have is what the reaction of the black female is to the white woman’s aggression.

a COP actually said ON VIDEO that he’s not allowed to ask someone to leave the mall. Fuck everything, i swear to god.

Dr. King isn’t even talking about “all people” in the quote McCarthy butchers. What he’s dreaming of is the day that his black children are treated equally by Whites and not profiled because of their color.

Got receipts?

Yea, West had the audacity to criticize the Obama administration, the Biden administration and the democratic party in general, so for that he ‘s “petty”? Give me a fucking break!

Karen is so much more specific and more amusing. 


Of course these are the same kinds of people who will cherry-pick Leviticus to justify their hate against the LGBTQ community, or cherry-pick crime statistics to paint black people as being inherently criminal, like our resident racist greys. 

Texas is literally paying people to narc on anyone who even assists someone getting an abortion. That is horrific and I thought that would be the most horrific thing I heard today, but...

Reply to Bill:

Worst Amy Schumer sketch ever.

This one is so easy: His support for the Palestinian cause, especially as a black intellectual.

Don’t feed that white trash piece of shit bird hammock, it’s a fake commenter who is a racist troll pretending to be reasonable to get out of the greys. Dismiss.

Oh you mean the same tik tok that censors videos that have tags like “black lives matter” and “black audience” but is totally fine with tags like “white lives matter” and “white audience”?

Maybe he though NAMBLA was the “Nazi-American Man-Boy Love Association” and the swastika was the whole point.