
You could just Google,  but I know you are adverse to facts 

This soldier deserves far more than purple heart. America is a disgrace and always will be.

This being Father’s Day I’ll repeat my Father’s story about a Vietnam veteran and his Purple Heart medal.  For those of you who are uninitiated, the Purple Heart medal is for soldiers that get wounded during wartime.  Well my Father (retired MSG 28 years) said that one of his friends was awarded the medal one day by

So glad this vet received his Purple Heart before he transitioned. There are probably countless others who are still due that honor posthumously. I was surprised how emotional this article made me feel. It brought to mind the poem/song “Many Thousand Gone”.

I was saying Moo-urns

In today’s example of gaslighting constituents:

“I was saying ‘MOO’....”

No no no, they aren’t saying “Boo,” they’re saying “Booo-urn in hell, Johnson!”

Staffer Wayland Smithers was quick to respond...

You know when he wasn’t booed on a holiday? When he spend the 4th of July in Russia!

You can always spot the racist idiot by their unhinged rants. 

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Did Parlor kick you out?

I can read just fine. A word of advice: if you want to get in the Mailbag Clapbag this badly, next time try to have somewhere close to something to say. I know it’s hard, but I’m sure you’ll get there if you apply yourself.

DIALOGUE IS NOT ALLOWED shouts the man posting on an internet forum for everyone to see

You realize there aren’t any real sentences in there, right? You can’t just copypasta with a side of word salad and expect it to support anything. Try reading it. 

What is this useless pile of word salad? 

Yeah.....Isiah Thomas was pretty bad ass. Their second championship he made Terry Porter look like Terry Rozier

I can’t speak for Michael Harriot, but I’m pretty sure he talks to people on a daily basis. Call it a hunch.