
comedians are going for the laugh. You’re not saying something to make people angry. That’s not why I’m on stage. I’m trying to make you laugh and if I did not make you laugh I failed. That’s my consequence.

Bernie is in my top 5 (along with Eddie, Richard, Dave, and Ron White), but this biopic would be hard to watch if for no other reason than them sanitizing some of his best jokes.

I’m gay, and while “Milk and Cookies” is a legendary riff, and “happier than a sissy with a bag of dicks” is a line I need to find more

Holy shit you are stupid 

Thats a lot of words saying absolutely nothing.

Jesus Christ, I can not believe people can be so aggressively stubborn with their ignorance. Fuck you, you mother fucking pile of absolute shit.

 You're so bad at this. 

Literally this is a gross exaggeration. Griffin and Aldridge were the only players of note that they snatched up in the buyout market. Both are well past their primes and Aldridge isn't even in the league anymore. 

I’d argue that Mitchell is more of a scorer than a facilitator, and Chris Paul is the opposite. Mitchell is averaging 5.2 assists this year, while Chris Paul lead the league in assists 4 times and averaged over 10 assists per game 6 in six seasons. Mitchell is averaging 23.4 ppg in his career, while Paul never

kill yourself

Somewhere Tasha Harlins is looking down like SSDD......Murica SIGH

When its convenient for racist assholes, they are.

You’re an optimist, probably 3 weeks.

If he had shot a white kid he’d be sitting there with a quarter million dollar or so bail and be getting smeared all over Fux News as an Asian menace.

Not in at least a year now, no.

I’m a recovering opiate addict. In 2017 I was arrested when I was caught doctor shopping. Wasn’t a flight risk as I was single, and the only family I have are my 3 brothers who live together. I’ve lived at the same place for 18 yrs. No prior convictions. 1 previous arrest 10 yrs prior that was tossed out. My bond,

Nguyen was allowed by Judge Elisha Fink of the Washtenaw County 14-A District Court to post a $10,000 bail for his release, a decision harshly criticized by county prosecutor Eli Savit.”

Somebody explain to me why a failed attempt at murder it treated differently than a successful murder?

Bullshit. Bonds are also put in place when and individual is a danger to him or herself or a danger to society. Discharging a firearm in public is a danger to the community. Shooting at a child makes you a danger to the community.

A Jewish friend of mine was posting an article about a rise in anti-semitic hate crimes that read, “Where are all the allies at?” and doing some “[deadpan look at camera]” and all I could think of was “at least crimes against Jewish people are actually called hate crimes.” Hell the Senate just (unanimously?) passed

I give it three months before this attempted murderer fuck will become the far right wing’s new face making all the gritting rounds.