
 You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say. 

A bullshit immoral law that has been abused time and again, even to the point of blaming people for murders committed by police. Also he was a juvenile.

Oh why so nasty Mr. Woke? Spamming links not doing it for you so you’re trying to go a different direction? I know you’re scared shitless of black people in general but judging by this reaction do you have a think against black girls especially? Aw they were mean to you when you were a shitty stupid kid, I bet. You

So. Cops, who are “adults” with training have no responsibility for their actions in victimizing a victim?

You fucking fuck... You suck so much, you second post only proved one thing, you are a racist fucking cunt.

Eat the whole bag of dicks, cunt. Wokeism is nothing but an invention by the right to dismiss legitimate civil rights movements, fuck them, and fuck you. Get a job and leave your mom's hasn't you bitch ass fuckboy.

Nobody’s listening to you except to laugh at you. 

No. Irony requires intelligence, as does satire. What Fox and the rest of the right wing media have been doing is L Y I N G. Nice try at a straw man, tho.

I have a spare blood pressure gauge I’m happy to send to the murderer-who-is-least-culpable. That will solve his gotdamn problem.

Now playing

Pearls and nuggets on gun ownership. LOL!

Maybe because they view this as persecution?

I will surely and unequivocally say the name of Ashli Babbitt, far-right terrorist whose attempt to upend democracy to install a fascist resulted in her getting plugged by apparently the only law enforcer on the scene who decided to do his job.

The only tragedy is that Capitol Police did not open fire sooner and keep shooting.

Not that state violence is always the answer, but sometimes it is.

First thing I said when they breached the doors was “these people have an alarming lack of bullet holes.” Not that state violence is always the answer, but sometimes it is.

More than handful of these subhumans should have been shot dead by the Feds. The FBI is hunting them down as of this moment. At least the new AG has experience dealing with white supremist trash aka Confederate ISIS.

Candace Owens is the human equivalent of a "struggle plate".

I predict that she will be working for an outlet like The Blaze or One America Network sometime this year. Then probably get fired six months later.

Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen. You’re such a pussy. I have a cousin named Karen who knows they’re not talking about her. If the shoe fits wear it, otherwise shut the fuck up and take your medicine, RACIST! SMFH

Something even more important than basic research is basic reading skills. She specifically said Harriott and Young defined it. She didn’t say they created it or that it originated with them.