
Making physical contact, shoving, scratching, trying to take the phone, is NOT mildly hysterical. It’s crossing the line.

get over what

Right after the explosion there was all this love thrown at the cops for “bravely” evacuating people. Social media was awash in praise and thanks for the cops who committed the miracle of actually doing their job competently for once but now we see that they didn’t do their job competently after all.

She never should have touched him is the point.

And some old white dude blew up a couple of blocks of downtown Nashville on Christmas morning and yet the media dropped it like a hot potato when they realized they the perp was white. 

appeared to have no other justification for accusing the teenager of theft other than the fact that he was in possession of an iPhone and melanated skin, the NYPD says they are not considering racial bias charges in the incident.

Can we all agree that one of the greatest outcomes of digital technology is being able to film, socialize, and expose these crazy racist nutjobs?

Karen needs to be locked up for assault at least.

Stupid lying chimp faggot. Your right wing conspiracy websites are not valid sources, I look forward to those blue thugs being shot dead by either feds or vigilantes. 

The camera doesn’t stop them from being murderers. The fines don’t stop them from assaulting citizens who are already detained and restrained. Only their removal from the police departments will keep Black and Brown folks more safe from the government sanctioned terrorism that is the current state of policing. And

It’s amazing how quickly the “Johnny Football” moniker disappeared after it became clear how bad he was at football and how large a piece of shit he was while doing it.

If this guy doesn’t get charged, there’s every possibility he’ll start working at a department in another county some time in 2021.

Police aren’t held accountable until they fuck up in spectacular, public fashion. And sometimes not even then. About the only thing police are ever proactively held responsible for is

I just saw a TikTok video of cops pointing guns and screaming at someone in a car who, I believe, was also holding a gun, for quite a few minutes, shouting commands.

It is possible that she got infected right before (it takes time for the test to show it) or soon after taking the vaccine. Vaccine doesn’t work immediately. It takes about 12 days to start building immunity. The full immunity only happens after 7 days after second dose (28 days after first shot).

If you’re a high draft pick you don’t get time to learn the playbook. You come to a new team and they expect you to know everything on day one. It’s like these people have never heard of a learning curve. Marshawn Lynch got time to learn though, so you see what happens when teams are patient. They get a good running

Yeah, no. Not his job to humor a crazy person.

She tackled his son and didn’t even apologize. Anyone who strikes her back in return is not the bad guy.

And she assaulted a 14-year old... why?

There should be no question as to why Black people see cops as criminals and thugs.

kill yourself