
Yeah, looks like the taxpayers will be footing the bill again. I wonder when folks will finally figure out that THEY are not only paying cops salaries/benies, they’re paying for the awards these a-holes cause. 

It’s a troll. Don’t feed it.

does not necessarily mean that the person is in custody for purposes of Miranda.” 

If this had been “white guy with camo shorts and an Under Armor hat” they’d have had to call for backup with all the handcuffs they’d need.

He’s white.

Don't you have an Obese Cheeto to worship? Gtfoh

Your comment proves the point.

$1 says the wife is racist as shit too.

Waiting for the video of a Karen accosting a Black delivery driver with a truck load of vaccine.

Guy carrying a BB gun “indistinguishable” from a real gun and lives to tell the tale?  Oh, white.  Got it.

Allow me to reply to you, Timmy, since it won’t push you out of the greys. You can keep believing the fairy tale about Republicans being the fiscally responsible ones, if you like being completely fucking wrong. You can look it up, you know.

Well, you said it.  He’s a moron and forever in the greys.  People only let him out by accident.  SMFH

Only a fucking moron would try to justify this, just sayin'.

Now playing

The vast majority of Republicans would have preferred a more traditional candidate like Romney.

My fear is that Trump 2.0 will have some modicum of competence, though.  Somebody able to stoke the racist flames AND hold a thought in their head for more than 2 seconds would be pretty dangerous.  And the GOP would be thrilled to welcome them in.

The NY Times is reporting that the person who did the stabbing was a black man, dressed in black clothing, who was leaning against a wall outside a bar (so, you know, asking for it I guess) when he was set upon by a number of these limp dick racist cowardly fucks. Although several of their MAGA bros asked them to stop

I guess we finally know what time “MAGA” refers to...

I don’t believe in climate change. I don’t believe Covid is real. But I will believe that a fat grifter - who mismanaged the country for 4 years and cost almost 300,000 lives due to inaction - actually won an election he lost by 7 million popular votes and 74 electoral votes because now I can say the n-word in public

Soccer hooligans.