
ah, but then there was the no-leveling trick, where you expressly avoid leveling to keep all the monsters and bosses as low level as possible. although come to think of it you end up grinding AP instead… hmm. never mind, carry on.

what, really? am i the only one who read the review title and thought "oh shit, better than underworld? that means it'll be FRICKIN' AWESOME."

that's a fine totoro shirt. i wonder how much time chris ballew spent deciding on which pop-culture referencing t-shirt to wear for that shoot.

good thing you don't speak for the rest of us.


agreed on all points. a lot of comedy is offensive, some subset of which is predicated on racism/racial stereotypes. i think south park is often hilarious, and it often tries and succeeds at being offensive across the board. can something be funny, but also problematic in terms of how it contributes to the greater

i think some other folk (cookie_monster, for example) on this thread have done a decent job of breaking down their own concerns around the depiction.

i'm offended at how defensive everyone who didn't find this offensive is getting. "what, you found this racist? your worldview, informed by your particular experiences, which are confusingly and inexplicably different from mine, is invalid!"

disappointing grade but i'll reserve judgment til i hear the whole album. the stuff she's been putting out on soundcloud is flipping amazing (see: her freestyle over Jay-Z's Tom Ford is fantastic), so i still have high hopes.