
It's Fisher Price Kissinger! Any more revelatory geopolitical insight?

Great job, crap career, in my experience.

It seems more like a set up to bring Amy and Dan back into the team; they have a lot less to lose than the campaign does.

The most boring of all the vagina's.

Like yourself? (completely assuming you are a sweetie IRL.)

22. Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist

Definitely Cubaned him up a bit.

A bit of fake tan is "brownface?"

It's such a untold and unexplored narrative though; the white, heterosexual, able bodied man, with a nice family and friends, social and financial security, feeling sorry for himself and lamentable situation, taking it out on the people around him, until he

That's professional of him.

Facing away from, technically.

Stop being Malcolm in the middle…….. east.

Yeah, you guys had a lot less nuance to your white supremacy.

Just announced a relaunch of Heroes…. so potentially Leno is coming back too.

Psst, India isn't in the Middle East.

….that's too much tuna.

I dunno man, Taco steals it for me, with Rafi and Randy not too far behind. The spin-off was the mansion was probably one of my favorite episodes.

I only knew of Nick Kroll through Childrens Hospital and Comedy Bang Bang before I watched the show, took me a few episodes but I love it. And I probably miss half the references, being a Brit.

LA Deli was stuck in my head for about a week. And it begins again…

It's just "Friends" for the Xbox generation. Some questionable stereotypes here and there though.