
I can't believe you have such little sympathy for sufferers of DGS (Diminished Gluteal Syndrome)

I used to think the human brain was the most fascinating part of the body. Then I realized, well, look what’s telling me that.

Everybody Ate Chris

And my sex life.

Unrelenting irony, a stonercorn of the metaweb.

It depends if you're a cat.

Julian is the archetypal Eton boy. I bet his dad was a peer in the Galactic house of lords.

We have this technique for getting revenge in the UK, them then having to look at your teeth.

"You know, it takes more hispanic energy to frown than it does to smile."

Don't worries, the replies are just a social experiment. Take a breather buddy.

Edgy contrarianism, a cornerstone of the intershit.

Just want to say, i think you're really cool dude, no matter what all the feminists on here think. Childrens literature and hating women is sick bro, keep fighting the good fight, don't let the white nights bring you down.

Well, Fear the Walking Dead pretty much showed that the US military is
pretty much a useless disorganized mess made up of dudes just lookin'
out for number one.

You're being paranoid Doc.

There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother.

Terrible idea.

It's been a long time since The Jeffersons now to be fair.

I feel premorse for all the fellow stoners that'll accidentally watch this due to lazyness, politeness or sheer masochism.

What do you think Chuck Lorres compensating for?

[White dude with dreadlocks played by TJ Miller] "I told him to stay on the ~enter cannabis strain~ "