
Hehe what took you so long! Just don't screw up my vacation plans for next month. Leave airlines and transportation out of it ok?

$185,000 to move a dot four letters to the left? That is plain stupid. Sorry, I meant retard.

"BO" as Body Odor?

What about the people? Will they make robots in their image?

So if someone uploads a video from a concert with tens of thousands of fans singing at the same time after the original (copyrighted) song, will they all go to jail?

Hey Lulz. My credit card is maxed out. Please take care of it (a total debt erase would be wonderful). Keyword is BOFA. Thanks.

We are talking about NSFW late night bedroom games right? Cause that video kinda missed the mark(too many people involved, and police sirens in the end) so I didn't quite get it.

Dogs do it. It doesn't kill them does it?

Darwin wasn't right, cause those idiots don't go away. On the contrary, they usually produce more offspring than non idiots.

I can't even read through my own gmail account. Why would I care about going through Sarah Palin's? Who's gonna pay me for all that wasted time?

Now playing

They need some Hilux Toyotas to strap some shit on, and they will be the most formidable army on the planet.

He doesn't want to shoot his eye out that's all.

Its like Japan v.2.0 They will rebuild it and make it better. I may not understand their culture (and weird fetishes) but I'm totally amazed by their work ethics and determination. There's a LOT to learn from them.

That is much better. At least he made something useful out of junk. Cause I see peoples backyards here filled with junk like this, and I don't get it. What is the point of keeping rusty metal junk that fills all your backyard?

Lets just hope they don't read your clipboard until the moment you press CTRL+V. Cause that would constitute privacy violation.

Now that's just gross, no matter how you think about it.

I think a phone is as private as you want to make it. You cant play Russian Roulette with your privacy, betting on other people's level of discretion. If some things should not be seen, make some decent effort to hide them. That's all I'm saying.

My advice is to keep private photos in a private place. You wouldn't put private photos in a family album for friends to view would you? Would you feel bad if they turned the page? I don't think its the same thing as browsing someone's medical cabinet. Wrong example there.

"Excuse me, I have to go attend my zombie farm now"

I bought an electric buggy back in the late 80s. It had a powerful motor but not as powerful as a gas buggy I believe, plus it killed the battery in 5 minutes run so I was very disappointed as a young hobbyist. But I'm sure things have changed a lot since then. I was just out of the loop.