Soup goes in, no soup goes can’t explain that!
Soup goes in, no soup goes can’t explain that!
I truly would not place more than a moderate bet on this story. I don’t even know who it happened to.
Grill it until it’s tender.
Comrade! I reaaaaally love Bone. It’s hilarious, and almost unbearably charming, and I just want to quote everything.
But can they turn that caramel into QUICHE?! (I like your name).
Agreed. It is essential to hold your dining partners accountable. But after months of reading these posts I’ve taken it a step further. Now I scowl and make judgy eyes at strangers I see being dicks to servers.
I once worked for a movie theater that had three screens. On slow days, we sold tickets from the concession stand, so we only needed a concession’s person, an usher, and the projectionist/manager. I had just been promoted to manager in training, and the assistant manager put that staffing for Memorial Day. I was still…