Kyle Gris

(meta comment: this periodic resurfacing of old articles on the front page is weird. I received a notification of a reply to a comment on an article I left 4 effing years ago. Also, I had no idea I had been reading deadspin that long:P)

Using Trump tweets as a style guide- sad!

The sixty-five million dollar quarterback:

What a monolith of fan-spewed negativity; thank God there are some Giants fans left brimming with optimism and perspective.

I don’t know if I would call Jack Nicholson in white paint a good Joker. However, the more and more this DARK GRIT REALISM shit is poured down our throats, I’m starting to appreciate him more.

Any man with children that has been through the unfairness and insanity of the Family Court system would be within his rights to punch the smug author of this piece in the mouth as hard and as often as he could.

UPDATE: The entire Russian equestrian team has been disqualified as genetic testing shows the horses are actually teacup chihuahuas.

So, no walking gold medals? Shit. I’m boycotting.

In Soviet Russia, Satan hails You.

“The Russian team may have experienced the toughest checks of the Olympics, because they had to go through multiple tests and checked,” said Zhukov.

I feel bad for the track and field athletes, whose organization was so terrible at covering up their PED use. Unlike the efforts of every other top nation, who kept hidden the PED usage literally EVERY top track & field athlete does.

Some say the glass is half empty, some say Russia is batting .666!

Oh, yeah. Real ugly face. *rolls eyes*

You try to rob me of money, I rob you of life!

Typo in headline, should read: Russian “Diplomat”...

In mother Russia car jacking mark, jacks you!

That’s Putin a bullet in ‘em!

These guys think that it was very diplomatic.