Kid is so hard. So hard.
Name change, remove name off the sex-offender registry...
Stanford Judge Meets Stanford Student in Court - What Happens Next Will Shock You!
Yankees hate hot sauce and prefer mayo. That’s my takeaway.
I hope you’re right. It’s what sports owes me.
best reply ever
Arlington Rangers!!!
Spot of the foul is absolute bullshit.
Is the price of my pho gonna go up?
Substantially similar amounts and types of substances.
Has Odor opened up a new era of actually trying to hurt people? I like it.
So not a routine fly-out to right?
I’m thinking Owens wants to get back on home turf.
Sounds like Chandler Baseball Camp (Oklahoma) for Canadians.
I’ll tell you what I wouldn’t do - I wouldn’t fuck with the damn thing.
You’re hired.