
We don’t really call this a “lens flare,” it’s actually JWST’s “point spread function,” (or a PSF) and those are “diffraction spikes” of the unresolved stars. JWST’s PSF is caused by how light interacts with the edges of the primary mirror, the arms that hold up the secondary mirror, and the fact that there are 18

Fixed it for you.

I suddenly want to collect stamps.

Do you want bed sores? Because that’s how you get bed sores.

My television can always use more LeVar Burton on it. 

We need more detail on mortality associated with long COVID before we can make more precise estimates of total COVID mortality. The article mentions cardiac problems in the year after severe infections, but we don’t have a sufficiently long baseline yet - other possible long-term effects haven’t had time to manifest

Saving the best for last.

High turnover comes usually from shitty managers that cause otherwise dedicated workers to leave.

Capitalists sure do hate it when they find themselves on the other side of the supply/demand equation. Suddenly then govt. intervention is a good thing. Bunch of evil vultures. 

Google is a mess and I think they know it. Which is probably why this concept never made it to market.

Forever his name shall be tarnished

“As God as my witness, I thought [chickens] could fly” -- Ronald McDonald, probably

If Star Trek taught me anything, it is that aliens have the same genitals as us.

Chances of getting smeared all over the road by asshole drivers on simulated bikes 0.00% Plus some of us live in areas with “winter”

Yghern confirmed?

Mother has translated part of the signal. I think it’s a warning beacon. 

So who would do the hacking of the Rover exactly?