Where are my keys?

It also means that this motherfucking (literally!) doctor took this test himself knowing full well that- in fact, probably because- he’d get matched to the children he lied his way into conceiving.

It was also in the Handmaid’s Tale back in the 80s! The doctor offered to knock her up, said “your loss” when she refused.... *shudder*

I found out my dad isn’t my bio-dad through’s DNA test too. Pretty devastating.

The most horrifying thing is that this isn’t unheard of. Other fertility doctors have gotten caught doing the same thing.

Wait, WHAT? So the doctor at some point previously also took an test, didn’t have his profile set to “private”, and then this woman came along and did a test and it NAMED him as her father?

The real question is:

Maaan, I do not know. I just know the prices have gone up because of the taxes and the market is fraught with so many options. I’m one of those old people that likes some consistency.


I guess I never thought about that, but yeah most dealers are men. I didn’t feel like a real full-fledged drug dealer because it was just weed. I never sold anything else. I was in my 20's, so it was :::gulp:: over 20 years ago. I was the personal dealer to a famous actors dad. One of my few claims to fame, lol.  

Ever since recreational use became legal here in California, the prices have shot up and the market is beyond over-saturated. I’d like to go back to the old days...not when I had or was a dealer, but when medical marijuana just came about. Ahhh, the good ol’ days.

Would warning from her family not be probable cause to search her car and person?

I’ve been reading that her father and brother both warned the police in the area that she had a grudge against youtube, had traveled up there for a reason, and “might do something.” Some officers actually located her several hours before the shooting, sleeping in her car, but no action was taken. (Truthfully I’m not

What would happen if everyone who said “thoughts and prayers” about someone being shot, were shot?

YouTube was still hosting her shit. This crazy ass vlogger was pissed that she wasn’t getting as many views or ad dollars as she used to for the shit content YouTube was still hosting for free.

I know we all know this, but I’ll say it, anyway: You. Tube. Is. A. Motherfucking. PRIVATE PLATFORM! THEY DON’T HAVE TO HOST YOUR SHIT IF THEY DON’T WANT TO! GODFUCKINGDAMMIT!