Another day, another batch of worthless, soulless whites exposing themselves.
Another day, another batch of worthless, soulless whites exposing themselves.
Speaking of criminal records - I don’t know why the press doesn’t pick this back up. Politico apparently dropped it when they thought IQ45 “wasn’t going to be a promising candidate” (haHAha) but now that Bannon, looking like his usual unmade bed with added “half-in-the-bag disheveled”, is down in AL stumping for a…
LMAO, they claimed to get robbed of 20ish thousand dollars worth of cash and stuff that they were carrying on their person but flew in on CheapAsBalls Air. What assholes.
YOU can see it. I can see it. Not everybody can see it. Also - some people don’t even see “more well-off” or “less well-off”. They see white. You don’t have to believe me; the neuroscience backs me up — as does the majority of white ‘bama voters stunting for (2x-bounced-off-the-bench child molester &…
I mean, you can see they’re poor though.
Uh, people who look 2 pics into the ‘Faces Of Meth’ catalogue don’t usually sport Louis Vuitton.
‘He stated that he and Katie lied about the whole robbery and he doesn’t know Katie’s motives.’
Well ... they figured “We’re white; authorities will believe us.” The Root has a hashtag, bb - it’s not like some random thug-looking white person hasn’t tried this several hundred thousand times before and actually gotten away with it.
They better get them jobs as fundraisers — they just lost a major donor because the founder lied about his CRIMINAL RECORD and they found out about it. ‘Course, they could just blame it on a #RandomBlackMan, now that The Root has a hashtag ... *weary sigh*
Oh yeah. THOSE are the faces of two trustworthy individuals, for sure.
So they flew into Chicago and then just decided to report a fake robbery for fun?
What were they trying to do the burglers broke into my house and stole my Picasso and scam the insurance company? Or the favorite birthday party game make up SH!T to blame on imaginary black people?
This knee-grow HAS to be the best villain of all time out there. He strikes literally EVERYWHERE at all the same damn time. #RandomBlackMan. Marvel and DC, looking at you. Make your move.
I sense Project Veritas will be extending an employment offer to them soon.
I’m getting so tired of these. There are actual crimes to be investigated, rather than some white supremacists’ ideas of a fun night out, i.e. making up crimes involving POC!
Looks like Chicago police over the weekend picked up two idiots who admitted to completely making up a story about a…
It is a look that screams, “I just found all my tinkerbell makeup when I was home for the holidays.”
Please forgive me, for I have sinned.