Where are my keys?

If the competition had been about talent and growth, the top two should’ve been Aja and Shangela, no doubts.

No clue what the concept was, but it looked like a naked and disemboweled woman’s body.

Milk’s entire look was disgusting in the worst possible way.

It’s astounding how comfortable you trash bigots are expressing your transphobia here.

someone who is untrained in firearms

Ugh, what a gross comment.

that cat is dtf

These fucking villains.


I might do! Thanks.

WTF?! I wanna give her husband a few of these

I want Mississippi to be the safest place in America for an unborn child.

That is excellent! Is there a place where I can buy and read your mother’s work? I am very interested!

Oooh, I remember really liking Angel Heart but I haven’t seen it in forever and now I’m wondering how much I’d cringe though it today. Can anyone recall how they portrayed Yoruba traditions and if it’s worth a rewatch?


I went into a Clarie’s late last year with my niece and the sole employee behind the counter was crying and screaming into her phone.

They were ungreyed and one of the few comments visible after I read the post.