some guy

They were both excellent, I think

Just out of curiosity, do you grow and harvest all of your own vegetables and produce?

He did not “simply announce” that he was a vegetarian.

As many of your responses have been condescending, I do not know why I am bothering to reply. Boredom, I suppose. That, and your insistence upon two things: consuming meat is the ticket to obesity, and mentioning the slaughtering of animals is supposed to be an intimidating tactic.

To focus on the latter point, we

Did I call you a troll? No I said you were being condescending. I’m not going to stop you from not eating meat and you’re not going to change anyone’s mind about eating meat by being smug about it. Never mind the fact that 95% of your arguments for vegetarianism in this thread are are full of so much straw you could

Uh, yes, because Snickers, French Fries, and Doritos are extremely calorie dense, which is why they taste good to us. It’s the whole reason why shit that’s bad for you tastes so good, and why you have to choke down your kale shakes with soy protein. In this day and age it’s not 100% mandatory to eat meat protein as it

Donald Trump is white. Don’t even know how you could mistake him for otherwise.

Well, I can appreciate that. I’m sure that you apply the same reasoning to never eat the plant embryos Big Agri has deceptively rebranded “fruit” or the plant wombs they try passing off as “tubers.”

It’s a made up story/movie about children with superpowers who live on an island in a time loop, managed by a woman who turns into a bird and the thing you find unbelievable is that people of color existed in the UK in the 40's?! Oooooookay.....

Bullshit. You knew what you were putting out was classic troll bait in an article that no one made you click on. Just look at how many stars you’ve got compared with the other folks you decided to try and smear your troll shit all over.

In fairness, I’m sure you torture enough people telling them all about your life choices to more than make up for the difference.

you should see the horrible things animals do to each other.

Thats how its appetizing, you annoying vegetarian.

Sounds more appealing than “Lettuce Leaves”

This show already makes no sense, why didn’t they just have original Ivy’s mom or sister show up? You could have an actress that was 27-30 playing that role no problem and claim that she had the same powers as child Ivy, who would have been named after her. Then the older Ivy could get killed off later on as needed.

Jesus. Sorry for using such broad fucking language.

just remember, anything different than you is terrible and wrong! that’s the only way to think! people aren’t allowed to like things you don’t like.

My guess? two options:

“In the comics, Williams came to the erroneous conclusion that Hal’s brother Jordan was Green Lantern, rather than the correct assumption that it was Hal Jordan.”