
Hire her now, so that she can scream whatever babble comes to her head at inappropriate times.   Seriously, grow up- and stop acting as a toddler. 

Respecting borders + not wanting people to cross dangerous territory only to be sent back= Nazi.

You know what else is bs? The NWLC using the .77 cents for every dollar statistic. The same one POTUS used in the State of the Union. This statistic is for all full-time jobs and doesn't break out for education, occupational type, experiences, time-off, etc. etc.

It depends on the licensing agreement- there are trusted vendors who they pay little to no mind on use of the license. I'm not excusing them, just saying that when DC gets word that a trusted vendor is developing a product for sale at Target, there is a bit less to no concern.

DC Comics licensed this out- they probably had absolutely no idea these existed. My guess is that these pajamas were likely designed, approved, and bought by at least one or more women. Probably quite a few.