stupid_mcgee: uber pyro>zerg rush

Actually, I most certainly CAN blame them, and I DO, when they are trying to usurp the very foundations on which this nation was founded. It's called the 7th Amendment. It's a right. Likewise, there's also a lot grey area regarding NDAs, which some argue is a violation of free speech. Would you "not blame" a

And to make things clearer, arbitration means that you meet with MS' law department people and have them decide whether your case has merit and what damages/reparations should be paid rather than an actual court. Hint: they probably will not find in your favor, even if they blatantly at fault. Arbitration favors

Interestingly, in the Kelo case, which drastically altered Eminent Domain, it was the liberal-leaning judges that were in favor. Scalia was against New England being able to seize unforeclosed property on the behalf of private business. That "champion of the people" lefty, John Paul Steven, wrote the majority opinion


Just thought I'd post this as its own thread so the info doesn't get buried in my replies. I thought I'd also go ahead and copy pasta the whole thing for those that don't wanna click around.

Apparently, it's still in murky waters. An Illinois Supreme Court ruled that these arbitration clauses are not legal. Currently there are several other suites in various other state Supreme Courts. Of course, this may eventually go up to the federal Supreme Court where it will, essentially, become "law of the land,"

Hate to say it, but the courts have already given it the okay it in America. AT&T was the first to d it.

Technically, you can shoot them just for having them brandishing a weapon and pointing it at you. At least I think you can. Shit, you can carry a concealed handgun into an alcohol-serving establishment in VA. We don't have bars thanks to the ABC...

FWIW, I contacted BioWare with my concerns of EAs marketing and horrible service, and how that is currently impacting my view and purchasing decisions regarding BioWare's games. Yes, I know I'm just one person and they'll surely find another customer to take my place, but BioWare does tend to care about that stuff.

NeoGAF user Cels complained of the same issue with the PlayStation 3 version of the game, and has been jumping through customer service hoops. In that situation, according to the forum post, EA customer service has provided new codes, which are also invalid. After a "fourth ticket" with EA's service line, the forum

And, if you also read through Shacknews' coverage on the issue, you learn that:

Chocolate moose? Probably not. Chocolate mousse? Probably. Mousse is pretty easy to make if you have an electric mixer/beater. Mouse meat is kinda hard to find and, besides, the rage is using coffee grounds on meats, not cocoa nibs!

You do know that the EA Downloader/EA Link/EA Store/EA Download Manager/Origin has been around since 2005, right?

Um... Because they can sell more units if they release on all platforms. Seems like a logical decision to me.

d'oh! double post!

@Mommar, I couldn't agree more. While I did like GTA4 a lot, I think you're very correct. GTA4 felt more like GTA3 than VC or SA. While I don't entirely begrudge them, they world did feel static. I liked that you could go out with your friends, but it was annoying when they'd constantly call you. "No, Brucie, I don't

Considering that they've rolled out two fairly substantial patches already, less than a week after launch, SD seems to be doing a good job of patching. Yeah, there's still some bugs that need to be ironed out, but I'm rather satisfied with how quickly they've addressed the ATI "gridding" issues and save data

@ Crowquill42: Honestly, I thought ET:QW's failure was gonna be the end of Splash Damage. ET:QW was a great game, it just seemed that Activision didn't see stellar initial sales and didn't bother with expansions. Hopefully Bethesda will be willing to roll with Brink and allow the game to expand and grow a bit.

Y'know, I've won all the maps in TF2, too, but that doesn't mean I stop playing it. Same with L4D and L4D2. Oh, and if you read even anything on the game, you would have known about the 3 body types and the archetypes. There's no "Sims" styled character creator because doing so would be a lot of overhead. As it is,

The vast majority of complaints are things that people overinflated or took out of context. If a lot of those who were so upset at the game had actually seriously read up on it, they would have quickly realized that it was always primarily about multiplayer. This was no secret, and it was drummed up repeatedly by