Attention ATI Users!!!
Attention ATI Users!!!
To be fair, that was how ET:QW worked as well. The objective might be by the enemy spawn, that's why you need teammates to revive you, protect you, and to help with the objective.
Yeah, I do. It's a good game. Maybe it didn't live up to what some people were expecting, but it's certainly not as bad as many claim. It fulfilled everything I was expecting. Which was Enemy Territory with parkour.
I was just ribbing ya, oogabubchub. I've seen people have super teamwork in Quake3, which most people think of as a run and frag kind of deal, but when you went against a team that actually communicated and helped each other, you were going to lose.
While I certainly love the T2 updates, and TF2 in general (I have a signed heavy litho and TF2 hat that I wear constantly. srsly, constantly!), I sometimes feel like all of the updates and new weapons just wind up confusing people and making the game seem harder than it needs to be. I say "seem" because, really, the…
@the-hypnotoad: Yes, 8 vs 8 is the way to go. I've done some CoOp (players vs bots) and that was okay, but rather unsatisfying. PC version has had some glitches, but not too bad. From what I understand, the consoles are actually more glitchy. However, there is supposed to be a day1 patch fro consoles. Oh, and SP is…
Friday is for the rest of the world.
"The "parkour" elements of the game are downright fucking useless at the best of times"
"I can see it being very popular once everyone figures out how to play the game."
@scofield0808: I'd rather deal with some glitches and instability than be forced to play a competitive online shooter using a controller and horrible resolution. Maybe that's just me, though. Yeah, PC gaming isn't perfect, but there's a reason why many people were more interested in Brink on the PC than on consoles,…
For some reason my post won't let me insert img tags nor link a pic with it.
You forgot Sebastian Kruger.
That is a really good point, and I think TF2 is one of the few competitive MP games out there that does a good job of trying to ease new players in. Granted, this feature wasn't included into well after TF2's launch, but better later than never.
My bad, Xeo, I meant to respond to oogabubchub. Every time I take an extended leave from Kotaku it always massively changes when I come back...
Metacritic doesn't review anything, though. It just compiles reviews.
I felt the same about the 1up article. Not only that, but the reviewer bemoaning opening another route to an objective or capturing an outpost because, "why bother? I'll just get shot anyways." Wow... I hope I don't ever have that dude on my team. In ANY game. Sheesh. GG on the teamwork, Eeyore.
TF2 would like to have a word with you. ;)
I would hardly say mediocre. From what I've seen from most reviews, it seems that a lot of gnashing of teeth was spent on the bot AI. Those that looked at the actual multiplayer saw a fun game. And, yes, the bot AI is terrible. SP is more to practice for MP, though. Splash Damage, the developers, has said repeatedly…
Botz n meh gam r teh suxorz!
The bots lack of objective completion was a problem in ET:QW, too. I think the reason is that Splash Damage view SP as almost a tutorial., making it so that the player has to complete the objectives instead of sitting back and letting the AI do it for them. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's the intent.