stupid_mcgee: uber pyro>zerg rush

"Activision alleges that top EA execs conspired to "hijack" the Call of Duty creators while also plotting to "destabilize, disrupt and to attempt to destroy Infinity Ward." Activision is seeking "at least 400 million dollars" in damages from EA."

@Timstuff: "The backbone of our country's economy will soon be litigation"

@Diamond Sea: I loved F.E.A.R. to death when it came out. At the time, yes, it was fairly intensive. Nowadays, not so much.

@Weezle41: It certainly was a great game. The graphics haven't really held up, but the gameplay and storyline are certainly still there. As Diamond Sea said, it's certainly worth $6.

@Mr.Wake: Just log out and then back in. Steam seems to forget your "age verification" cookie every time you start anew.

@Menolly: Technically, the "M for Mature" rating is same as the "R for Restricted" rating for movies. Ie: Recommended for those 17+. Under 17 must be accompanied by a guardian. Stores enforce the 18 rule because, at 18, you are able to be legally binded to a contract (congrats! you're an adult!). Ergo, you can comply

@RaginKaGin21: Yes, because I "smeared the troops" where? Nowhere. A soldier's job is to do their job, whatever it may be, however they can. Soldiers have it rough, and they often bear the brunt of their superiors missteps and misdeeds.

@thebebop87: Oh, hell yes people still play TF2!!! In fact, the Steam Kotakuites group regularly play TF2. Unfortunately, I haven't really been playing in a while, since I've had a bunch of personal issues come up, and I still haven't run the Cat6 cables to my upstairs...

@4lk4linetri0: I think you have to play as the original L4D survivors in the L4D2 version of "The Sacrifice." Although, I certainly could be wrong.

@Paul Bourassa: If you're on consoles, that is. N'yuk! N'yuk!

Y'know, logic and a very basic understanding of fundamental physics would have already told you this. BTW, people play games because they are NOT exact replicas of real life. It's called "escapism." Look it up. It might just blow your mind.

@doctorrobert: I think street art has a place, otherwise I think it's vandalism. Dilapidated buildings that are condemned; sure, use them as canvases. It beats what they are now. Going up to some shop owner's building and covering it; sure, it's still art, but it's also vandalism.

@pkt-zer0: Yeah, it's 99% ready except for Vista and Win7 compatibility, and that half of the top ten video cards on Steam's hardware survey aren't supported by the TypeX2.

@TC-man: I'd be fine with a Steam release, and I don't know why Capcom thinks that would be "unfair" when they already have GFWL with SF4. Another route would be to release SSF4 as premium DLC with a price tag of $40 USD ($39.99). And the ease of digital distribution is why I go with Steam. Yeah, I could get in my car

I think people need to chill a bit on the Capcom hate. Capcom has been releasing a lot of their games, which are unarguably predominately console-centric games, for the PC recently. They've been doing a pretty good job, overall, IMO. I like RE5, even though I'm not a huge fan of the series. (last one was RE1 on the

@Krackato-ATOMIC COLLIDER!: They don't have to pay employees to oversee the conversion, find bugs, fix bugs, perform tweaks, etc? I mean, it's not massive overhead, but it does cost money to pay employees for months. It also removes staff from performing other work.

@anaki: Yeah, I still have my old AvP CD around somewhere. I also have the 2000 edition on Steam, just in case anything happens. I love the Marine campaign in that game.

@anaki: Oh... that's so sad. I've heard the PC version isn't fairing much better. I really wanted AvP to be good, but I was skeptical and waited. Kinda glad I did. Seems like it's gotten some very, very mixed reviews. Maybe one day when there's a decent Steam sale I'll get it. I only really wanted it for co-op with my