@sentroshi: Considering you have a star, you could at least approve the comment you responded to.
@sentroshi: Considering you have a star, you could at least approve the comment you responded to.
@Realmjumper: Agreed. I was somewhat skeptical about Capcom's recnt statement of supporting the PC, but it's awesome how well they're coming through on it. Hopefully the PC community will respond in kind and show Capcom enogh love to make continued PC development a worthwhile endeavor.
@James, just James: I doubt it. It looks to me like a very narrow aperture, hence the reason why everything is in such strong focus and the colors are so rich. The shadows from Pitt along the wall could be Photoshopped, but that would take a lot of time and effort to do. People would rather just pay a photographer…
@spider2544: Yeah, but Pitt was in True Romance. That's hard to beat. Even harder than "Through The Fire And Flames" on Expert.
@denki: A good IP is a good IP, regardless of age. Why try to create a new wheel when a perfectly good design is already available?
@WareAstyoche: 3 games for the 360? Um, no. There has only been ONE BioWare game for the 360. That being Mass Effect.
@KillerBee: When will people learn that just because someone else also does something abhorrent, that does not make it right?
@cyruss: Calle me crazy, but the problem I see is that it creates a misleading atmosphere. You see nothing but good reviews, so you buy the game. Later the full truth comes out. It's deceptive.
@SacGamer: Pretty much. I want singularity to do well. I've always liked Raven, and Singularity does look pretty cool.
I might try and see if a few friends want to play and we can all start together. I tried the trial several times by myself and just never got into it. Maybe with some friends it'll be different.
Photoshop is great, but I prefer Painter X for digital drawing.
@DrunkAus: lol
@Yossarian: Or can't remember what it was like to be a kid. That's one of the things that scares the hell out of me about the FDA approving bi-polar drugs for kids.
@DrunkAus: Yeah, I got one a few days ago. I don't where it came from or how. But, whatever.
@I_Hate_This_Place: A lot of America is renowned for various BBQ styles. And not just the South. Hell, Buffalo New York is renowned for their BBQ. Personally, I prefer vinegar-based (Carolina) BBQ.
@stupid_mcgee: uber pyro > flaming hunter ([k]): Sorry to repeat post, but it seems I wasn't nominated. My god star is now even more perplexing...
@stupid_mcgee: uber pyro > flaming hunter ([k]): I just noticed that I have a star. How/when did that happen?
@patapon: The only reason I knew about it was because it was located in the mid-Atlantic region. There's not a whole lot of developers around there, and it's sad to see another one go.
@deanbmmv: Basically, yeah. BioWare looted the former Star Wars Galaxies employees a while ago (right around the time SW:TOR was announced) and got help from Lucas Arts in the story and concept dept. AFAIK, WAR still has some netcode issues, so it wouldn't make sense to take Mythic's programmers away when they still…
@deanbmmv: They've done Dark Age of Camelot and WAR. That's it. They had another game, Imperator, in the works but it got canned. Mythic is like Turbine, all they do is MMOs.