stupid_mcgee: uber pyro>zerg rush

@JKPierce: Funny. They actually talk about how, no matter how bad Home is, no matter how broken the experience is, there is always two tings people will say. 1) "It's till in beta!" 2) "It's free, so what do you have to complain about?" They also mention that they admittedly don't "get" Home and probably are not the

@Gantz: Your Trusted Friend in Science.: Don't know if you're a fan, but do you listen to the Penney Arcade podcasts? There was one recently where they talked about Home and tore it apart. Mike termed the catchphrase, "Home: A Stupid Place For Dumb People." The had several criticisms, mostly that the interface was

Probably L4D and TF2. I'm tempted to get the Heroes of Might & Magic V pack from Steam with their weekend deal. I don't think I will, though.

@Juan José Méndez Gallardo: I detest the iPhone. Years of cooking in restaurants has destroyed my sense of touch and I have a very tough time using it as a phone. For some reason I have a very difficult time without the tactile feel of the buttons. It also makes blind-texting while driving hard to do.

@CommentingpointlesslyisMeh: I endured years of Fallon on SNL. Didn't find him funny then, don't now. Fallon seems like an alright guy that I'd have a beer with, but I don't like his comedy, his delivery, nor his interviewing. But, whatever. And I'm 28, BTW.

@HeyApples: Who's fault is it then? Personally, yeah, I would blame the guy that was the head of the development studio. You can't say time was an issue, as EA let them push back release several times. You can't say funding, because EA threw money at them. Mythic delivered a sub-par product. That's not EA's fault,

@GnatB: People I've talked to with access to the Dragon Age toolkit couldn't disagree more. Yes, the console-centric titles haven't been as RPG-laden as BG2, but what do you expect? Hell, at least Mass Effect allows you to play a role, unlike FF7 where you just go through the motions (even though it is one of my

@LaneWinree: Dragon Age. It's a series. Mass Effect. It's a series. They are, of course, continuing to do non-MMO RPGs.

@Alith: Pretty much. As much as I wanted to like WAR, I couldn't. It's not doing well (there is 1 server at high capacity in Oceania and all 3 in the world at medium capacity (1 euro, 2 NA) and all the rest are low capacity), and that's a fact.

@jaxontyler97: Um... no offense, but that's horrendously illogical. The merging of banks is nowhere near similar to the merging of entertainment companies.

@shouryuuken: I wish consoles would go back to arcade-like titles too. It seems like too many devs are just pushing FPSes out over and over. Not that I have anything against FPSes on consoles, but I wish there were more fighting games, beat 'em ups, and arcade action titles.

@Adnoz: DX11 will run on DX10 cards just fine. You don't have to upgrade to DX11 cards to reap the benefits.

@Valnen: They should just adopt Sony's platform and allow users to install their own HDD.

Funny that MS is finally realizing their idea for a cheap Arcade bundle with little storage space has crippled their forward-looking business model. I've been saying this since the 360's launch. Why in the hell didn't anyone at MS stand up and say, "an 'Arcade' bundle with minimal storage is antithetical to our

@rogue32: I'm excited for this game. I avoid the SW:TOR forums like the plague. I much prefer the actual Bioware forums.

@gunstarhero: Holy shit! HUM! You'd Prefer An Astronaut! One of my all time favorite albums!

@GreenGunstar: No problem. For me, nothing irks me more than, "I do this, but you don't, so I don't care what you have to say." That is a horrible habit to get into, and unfortunately many get into it. There is always room for improvement. Even one of my professors, who is an amazing automotive illustrator [fineartamer

@GreenGunstar: That's great. Hold on to your self-righteous attitude and refuse to accept constructive criticism. Instead, repudiate it with obnoxious, "I am awesome, you're not" phraseology.

@Jellocakes: I don't think it would sell because almost everyone who would play it already has. It has nothing to do with being "too attached to a platform." Just like with the first Gears, nearly everyone had already played it and most didn't really care about the tiny amount of new content.