Stunt Zombie

Not a single thing in that article was expected. What a hell of an emotionally confusing curveball.


Possibly in this interview (won’t watch, at work) Gunn says that Booker feel asleep several times while Pratt was giving his goodbye speech, which somehow takes the sting out of it a little.

No I like guns, but if you can’t go anywhere with out one.. yea you’re a pussy. If you think owning a gun is the most important part of the constitution you’re mental.


The Renault driver walking down the street...

Yes, gun manufacturers absolutely push the “gub’mint is gonna TAKE YOUR GUNS” argument. The NRA’s entire schtick is a con to get people to buy more guns because, absent ginned-up fears of RAMPAGING NEGROES and JACKBOOTED GUN-GRABBING FEDS (99.9% of whom are Republicans, BTW—I live in cop country), firearm sales would

Ok... but what does that have to do with them wanting the government “out of their way?” Gun sales dropped because of waning interest in hunting, population change, you state, not because of government intervention. Are you saying gun manufacturers are indirectly pushing the “government is going to take your guns”

This is why I’m hoping against all odds that an Anansi Boys show is in the works too.

He should’ve turned off the wipers..

I started eating a lot more complex carbohydrates and just being more aware in general of portion sizes and caloric densities of various foods.

Shouldn’t always trust weight loss stories? You should never trust weight loss stories, especially when someone is trying to sell you something.

One thing I’ve noticed is that completely eliminating certain foods from your diet can trip you up really badly. I lost 25 pounds and got into the best shape of my life 5 years ago by making better food choices and running 4-5 times a week in the morning. I know going low carb is a god send for weight loss, but when I

I weighed 280-300 lbs when I started graduate school the summer of 2011. I decided I was going to eat better and start exercising more, starting with walking every day and eventually progressing to running 4.25 miles a day. Over the course of about 10 months, I lost 150 lbs, going down to 148 lbs at my lightest. In

Must. Stop. Reading . GotG2. Stories....

Honestly aside from updates here, I haven’t dove in, because it just doesn’t look interesting in the least. So I’m passing judgement quite unfairly.

Marvel’s next big event should simply be a year without big events.

It’s worth keeping in mind that a laser pulse from a star within 300 million light years will take... up to 300 million years to reach earth - given that we don’t have the technology yet to blast such a powerful laser into space means that we are assuming other civilizations are at least 300 million years more

Having seen the movie.. I will say your comments are not accurate. (warning, spoilers ahead)

I wouldn’t even think about clowns if it wasn’t for the scary ones. So they should be grateful.

You know who is never fun at a party?