Stunt Zombie

Meh. I’d still take those POTF2 toys over the super-articulated statues they call action figures now.

Same here. I was thinking of just going ahead and picking it up so I’ll have it ready for her birthday.

That right there. They lost 4 years before they even started before their petition, they just didn’t know it yet. 

Someone’s been watching too many Regular Car Reviews before they make their own videos.

They certainly tackled the topic with more tact than I would have expected from a MacFarlane led show, even if they messed up with the nuances. Honestly, one of my least favorite aspects of the show are the random asides to 21st century culture. It bothers me that we have a show based 3-400 years in the future, but

Ah, nevermind, I just realized you were talking about the Masterworks editions. Good choice!

Ah, nevermind, I just realized you were talking about the Masterworks editions. Good choice!

“Before R2 can add the Dark Lord of the Sith to his kill list of the day, the Alliance shows up in the form of Han, Luke, and some support fighters, having tracked the location of R2's pilfered starfighter, giving Vader an opening to escape R2's wrath.”

Meh. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I especially like how the outros to the commercial breaks used the same fade out and style of dramatic music.

The only thing I want to know is, is that female cover of Bittersweet Symphony on the soundtrack, and who sung it?

I’ve said it a few times now, but allow me to reiterate it. I sincerely hope that Trump’s last day ends the same as Hitler’s

This. This is what every show runner should strive for. Plan things out and have a definitive end in sight. Otherwise, you get a show that just meanders on until it’s inevitably cancelled because everyone bailed when the main conflict wrapped up three seasons ago.

So, can they kill wights with regular weapons now? Cause a lot of them weren’t getting back up. As far as I knew, dragon glass and Valyrian (Valarian?) were the only things that could actually put them down.

The end credits were the best part of Skyline. No, seriously, when the dude gets turned into an alien and starts wreaking havoc, best part.

I’ll take “No Shit, Sherlock” for $1000 Alek.

When I watched Jon and Gendry meet, I immediately thought of a bit of dialog from Step Brothers.

Yeah, you can fuck right off with that. I’d personally like to bat every single one of those arm swinging morons in their damn heads.

This has been on my mind for a couple months now. The only conclusion I can come to, is that anyone that would be willing to take out a president is already on his side.

What kind of perks do I get if I preorder it now? Will I need to patch it before I can read it? Do I have to buy DLC in order to read the ending? Does the preorder edition come with better editing?

High paying? HA! I wish. I’m just lucky that my company covers most of the cost for me. When we got married, my wife wasn’t able to get insured through the marketplace any more, and it would have cost me $600 a month to add her to my insurance, or just under 50% of my income at that time.

Do you also use mascara on your vagina? I mean, if it’s safe enough to use on your face..