liar liar pants on fire

What a waste of pixels.

Really changing the world with this deep investigative journalism.

I can’t believe not a single expert mentioned diabetes.

You guys really need some help with your editing/motion graphics/even basic color correction... For a company of your size I would expect better. We have lots of content editors at our agency and I can definitely point you in the right direction.


Isn’t that what subtitles are for? Who cares...

A small penis...

Gizmodo limits my post because I remotely said something in the sway of trump. Way to go free press.

Sweet nose.

Hear hear!!!


Buzz is my Dad’s good friend. I’ve known Buzz since I was a kid and that dude is bat shit crazy. I believe being the second individual, not the first, who stepped on the moon has something to do with that...

I love the fire and gun shot composites they clearly bought online somewhere, I think I actually used that 4K pack a couple years ago for a commercial. What was it called.... Huuuugggeee laugh. Huge.

Pretty sure the New York Times put the Diet Coke out for Trump on purpose.

After watching Anthony Bourdain with sushi legend Masa last night... It’s just funny to me how American sushi really seems to f it up. They are making this giant roll. You would think they would put a little more effort into presentation... the placement of the rice. Just cause it’s big doesn’t mean it can’t be

** Spoiler alert **

Kobe. It would be the perfect fit. Why has no one mentioned this???

I was a “special background player,” in the orgy. Ask any questions if you have them...

Wtf is with them grouping together people of different races. “We need someone ethnic.” No one sees a problem with that?