Stunning Comb Over

*owens goes instead of responding somewhere backstage near to Renee Young, lies down and goes complain about something*

Itami was pushed pretty hard before he got injured but yeah I agree he really wasn't finished yet and will be a great foil against someone like Balor. Mostly with them semi-pushing The Bullet Club with Finn's most recent they can get a nice feud out of that.

Well bella's are going face now because they lack Nikki for a while and seem to be stuck in Main Event/Superstars for the rest.

Yeah it's a 90's relic but a very fun one. Also the really weird guest combos make for a good laugh

Settle for Me because i'm mad about the schmaltzy 30/40's musical feeling it goes for. Pitch-perfect Rogers and Astaire tapdancing segment included of-course.

Yeah I was talking about that in the thread for last week raw. Are all the though enough woman they recruited face when they debut or something? That would be horrid, the most face person(and one of the few with a long wrestling career) in the still to debut on tv woman is Athena. NXT is just swamped with heels at

Paige is pretty much the big show of the Woman division. She turned heel and face so many times.

They might but boy don't waste Enzo & Cass or Bayley on the void that is raw this moment. Also I guess Zyan and hideo itami will be on the main roster soon when they return.

They were, also Colter sold the hell out of it. It was pretty much we got this superguy who happens to be not USA born and he wants to joing our little stable. Ok were now for smart immigrants. Del Rio is smart in kayfabe but boy that empty glanze makes him look like a buttered shopstore mannequin

Yeah that was bit off to me also because their heel run so far has been beside Bayley and Asaka's destroying the most interesting thing about the woman division in quite a while.

Ah that's godawful, his run in ROH was ok but I heard he still wrestles sometimes in Texas but is pretty much semi-retired.

Well they were a tad bit racist to del rio in their feud but it worked in kayfabe. Overall it's for a EU guy like me a perfect wresteling parody of things like the minuteman

He was also semi-linked to a racist hate group for a while. Their leader now manages a bored looking rich Mexican guy. WWE

He's not your Buddy of the nations pal

I won't because it will bring the message home to cooperate that they fucked up the NXT woman championship and made it un-marketable with their current champion. Marie does has a big following with the TLC crowd but most of those people just don't watch wrestling and are more into Total Divas. Which is fine with me,

Bayley will be in NXT for quite a while, she said herself. Which is by far the best she can do. Getting the new woman over and leaving when the woman division again has some good fueds. Also bless her for not naming eva:

Just bring back Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas for a takeover special, that would get me to mark so hard

It's a interesting question and there is not really a clear answer. I guess it has to do with look more then damage control. Allot of the older stars on the roster(Jericho for example) do wear kneepads and well Austin even wore braces during his last run on the roster. In my opinion it mostly has to do with weight of

Lets explain the storylines for you and some of the characters then. A really pale evil braided beard Irishman held the biggest title nowadays because he cheated off someone who always looks strong. The female wrestlers are doing a honor thing because one called out one other dead brother. Their is the group of

It was the best thing they could do by a long shot. I mean they made Nia Jax look powerful, Eva even more heel and made Bayley even more over. The only problem I got with it that it reminded me a little to much of 'authority storylines' and we better RAW Triple h far away from NXT.