Stunning Comb Over

Yeah it was but after all the B.A.D interference stuff I just didn't really hit home here. Yeah the crowd were of-course dead because it's a raw dark match, if this was match was at Full Sail all the nerdy wrestling fans would be ablaze.

His stuff is great, a bit to much leaning to the WWE side of things but extremely solid with a great bland of comedy and well really good moaning . His worst of the attitude area is pretty much all my thoughts about why I don't really like the attitude area….

Yeah, the commentary is pretty free on the c-shows even today which is cool. Also the under-undermiddlecard of WWE sure has some good wrestlers who get their 8-15 minutes on these two shows.

People in Europa mostly. But their worth your time if you have any.

You got to remember that Roman is strong. He got Hulk power selling

Cass is IRl injured so I don't know if they make it to Takeover. They might but no idea. Well I loved everything about the episode expect mabye the clusmy slapstick stuff backstage with Bliss and Bayley

While driving a low rider. That was pretty freaking bad. Funny you guys bring it up, the great Wrestling With Wreget show did a cool video about how WWE handelded Eddie's passing recentely…

They have them because of exclusive rights some partners of them hold on that they deliver shows. Superstars is shown all over the world and it's on Hulu plus. WWE Main Event was orginally made for Ion tv and now is Hulu+ only In usa and Europe it airs on some stations. Experience and Bottom Line are recap shows of

Rich the model martel in Fandango's clothes=Tyler Breeze

C-show bracket

A Mark Gatiss written episode and it shows. After his previous season's light-hearted gem Robots Of Sherwood this is Gattis pretty much channeling his love for good horror movies(just check out his marvelous BBC docus about horror). Heavy on found footage and Alien like send up it's a gorgeous action episode from a

Gerald is by far the weakest link in the series but he is relate-able because I know people like hem. His moaning and self pity ways are just a bit irritating but their well close to life. Still this dude got a girl he is sweet on pregnant but she is ego filled and now just his showoff father has returned. Shame his

Yeah cheap pops was loadsa fun, WWE just released the Ring in the Holiday comp full of holiday matches hosted by him and his equal likeable daughter Noelle

Yeah pretty much that, they started as a heel team and now have become a cocky Kurt Angle like face team.

Most likely the comedy heel part which is fine for a short run, can lead to a split up and a solo run for both. English his old gimmick was fantastic but very niche and the same goes for Gotch, still it will work really good on NXT.

Yeah I know that is why I said it was canned. Foley these days seems to be having a blast with no wresteling so it might be done for the better.

*revs up motorcycle and a hybrid of slick country pop and slick nu metal plays*

I think Vaudevillains might be turning heel again with a lost of their titles. Because the heel-face ratio is a bit off in nxt, you got the faces teams(Hype bros, Jordan and gable(so far), BAMF(who are out because Cass is injured out of kayfabe) and the heels(Blake and Murphy who are pretty much are valets for their

He took his gimmick of losing every match but still looking strong from NXT to the main. Also just let the man cut promos and shoe in Rick 'The Model' Martel as his manager. Oh the dreams.

I don't like twitter/internet based feuds/teasing at all, like that canned Mick Foley vs Dean Ambrose feud with them calling eachother out on twitter. It's cool your hip with the kids WWE but it feels like your phoning it in. Mostly also with the twitter's of the WWE stars being semi-kayfabe.