
You don’t know the facts of the case. I encourage you to do some reading on it instead of parroting Mary Lacey. Question: do you think a poor family without connections would have gotten away with this?

I can’t wait for CBS lawyers to depose him and daddy. It was monumentally stupid of them to file a lawsuit.

Yes, but there is such a thing as mentally ill and cognitively impaired women. And women who are abused and controlled by their partners. I know you support several mentally disabled or abused women and their children. Surely you have adopted numerous children who might have been aborted without Caring Saints like

Oh, we know what you’re saying: you are cognitively simple. You see the world in black and white. You cannot grasp complex concepts. You are stupid.

My child made this costume via bits and pieces from goodwill. concept came from this album cover (in the aeroplane over the sea:)

Allow me to plug a favorite blog of mine about the Sister Wives shitshow.