
She can identify as a woman who believes she’s a guy who believes he’s a woman.

Are you suggesting gang shootings are people “standing their ground” and in self defense?

LOL. Oh you grand champion of dumbfuckery

Cops are like flag happy refs that slow down their game of killing each other.

Yeah? do all the shooting in Chicago JUST over 4th of July weekend.

Oh, trust me, if there is anything I’v learned from today’s black community it’s that “Everybody can be got”.

Does this mean that maybe even the Root is waiting a minute before jumping on the next Hoax?

Paper straws that fell apart.

Jesus, partisanship is a disease with some of you people. You still think the people associated with him give a flying fuck about political parties? LOL.

Depends on when he was busted in Florida, once he made the deal he couldn’t be punished for it.

The instinct is to speculate about a narrative we find appealing based on what know, however there is also the fact that he probably has dirt on “unknown”(to the public) powerful global figures.

I’m fine with that if they can keep him there until he sings, then let him rot in jail. Shit, I’d put him up at a fucking Vegas Penthouse to get him to give up the goods.

WOuldn’t he have gotten stuff out there on Trump though after he was booted out of the Club and already “time served” in Florida?

Yeah, this dude should currently be protected like the crown jewels, dude has some serious dirt on powerful people that needs to get out.

Probably because even though this diet bar move is pretty obnoxious, the censorious Left is reaching Tipper Gore level mania.

Meh, the shorts anger was bullshit but this one is pretty “mean girl” obnoxious.

Perhaps the name of the store is referring to their IQ.

Not much as changed? They’re willing to bury 8 years and two elections of a black President to maintain victim status.

Not to mention that Snipes was such a dick in the making of it that it’d be tough to find good people to work with him.