
What do you think they’ll use that lazer for?

I disagree. It’s a Big Country. There’s Always Something There to Remind Me.


Not a single “beautiful” or “yuge.”

Say it all the time to blank stares

I only saw one episode where Cobra soldiers actually died.

When I saw the title, I thought this was something else. When Bob Goldthwaite was making his bigfoot movie, one of the people he was working with told him of a coming of age, Twilight-like book he had written called “Yeti or Not.” I thought this was about a movie adaptation.

HAHA. Multiple entendre.

Just recently returned from there and it. was. miserable. The heat’s one thing, but combine that with the humidity and it’s game over (raised in Louisiana, living in Arizona, still not prepared). Unless you’re there for Songkran. Not only was I constantly drenched, but trucks would drive by selling huge blocks of ice

Turned out ok for this guy:

I’d add “The Thing” to that list. Just watched it again for the first time in years and those practical effects were amazing. Most prosthetic heads in movies always looked a bit off, but props to that movie.