
Really digging this show, and so thankful for a (relatively) fun episode. Gotta say I was on Michelle's side during Brett's drunken breakdown behind the shed. He should've known better. I'm half of a white late 30s married couple living in northeast Los Angeles so watching this is actually a bit terrifying.

Very excited about the PS+ games this month. Transistor was on my to-buy list, and I was already looking forward to Apotheon and psyched to see it was free. I'm about 3/4 through Apotheon now and really digging it. Starting to wear a bit thin, but man, it's gorgeous. Will definitely finish that and start on Transistor.

I've had my PS4 for a few months now, but haven't been excited to play much of anything on it until this. Loved JC2 - this is great news.

Speaking of roguelikes, I'm going to try to finally power through to the final boss of Rogue Legacy this weekend. Also about to start the final "main mission" in Shadow of Mordor and not really interested enough to keep playing after that, so gotta figure out what's next for the PS4.