
Look up MTVHive. That was their most recent effort at being musically relevant. It was an ok website too.

So only 1 comedic actor/actress…like WTF?!?!

So it's just an extended version of The 90's are All That. Seems like a bit of a rip off from what they initially were teasing. Also not including the Adventures of Pete and Pete seems like a big miscalculation on their part.

Can't wait for Red Oaks! The pilot was amazing.

I'm sorry but words still have meaning even if you choose not to get upset by said meaning. That's just how things work.

I know it exists. I saw Craft Spells on network tv last night. I don't care if it was at 1:30 in the morning. I mean even on cable you just don't see bands like that otherwise.

kids =/= adults. The problem, is unlike adults kids have no concept of the word discretion.

The ending to Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. When they're in the submarine and Staralfur starts playing it just gets me everytime.

Yeah, he always got those obscure comedy references.

Next they should do Nintendo songs in minor key.


Obviously, which is why they're headed to HBO. My point is that The Muppets are a vehicle HBO could actually do something with. Sesame Street is an educational show for kids, and doing anything else might taint the innocence of the characters.

What does it really matter anyways. The Muppets are already owned by Disney.

No, more like the kids of said heroin addicts.

Makes sense given the target audience.

Eh, I mean if his acting career isn't going well he can always go back to catering.

Well that was a let down. It feels like the example was randomly pulled from a "9 names you've been pronouncing wrong" Buzzfeed article.

So that's why Cenac wasn't considered as a replacement. Everything makes sense now.

I'm disappointed they didn't end with the scene from the Kenny Rogers Roasters episode of Jerry entering his apartment like Kramer.

Goldbergs got snubbed! Surprised they didn't get at least one acting nomination.