Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy
Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy
Such an unlikely premise that totally worked. Huzzah to Bart's cruise ship dreams!
We can talk and talk our way around a new 'Simpsons episode, but this one got a few laughs out of me and I'm not a fan of Inception. Not insanely funny, but a far cry from a narration by Moe's bar rag.
For some reason or another, I once went to an art exhibition where the art in question was simply canvases painted black. This episode was still a little better than that.
Agreed, 22 was much better. I think 24 sucks more, but then something picks up again for seasons' 25 and 26. I hope 27 will be a nice one too when I get around to it. Gosh, i sound like a 'Simpsons weather man.
Yes, good point. I've thought this for a while (I have no life). Often there is a rushed feel with a lack of resolution, this episode being a prime example. I feel compelled to site Burns' Blood as a reminder of HOW to end a 'Simpsons episode. Ah, the good old days.
I liked the Sheri/Teri switching, but when Marge suddenly had reservations about Lisa's love interest I felt like I'd been stuck in the eye by a poorly conceived plot device. Ouw.
Just watched this today. Slight yet outlandish and I was completely captivated by the 80s signifiers (montage anyone?) and because I couldn't predict where it was heading. Not a film that'd be made today I reckon. Great watch.
King may have at least sounded smug in his latest tirade against Kubrick if Dr Sleep was actually any good. As it stands this novel was my most painful King experience. Newer King title Bazaar of Bad Dreams is redeeming however- not sure why there isn't a review for that on AV.
Perhaps if I hit myself really hard on the head I will forget having watched "Moe Goes From Rags To Riches."
Unfortunately, you are pretty much echoing a largely collective critisicm of nearly all episodes since season ten. However, seasons' 25 and 26 have surprised me with a marked improvement. Did somebody shoot Al Jean?
Unfortunately, you are pretty much echoing a largely collective critisicm of nearly all episodes since season ten. However, seasons' 25 and 26 have surprised me with a marked improvement. Did somebody shoot Al Jean?
I await the director's cut.
I await the director's cut.
Yeah, so far there is something strangely hypnotic in watching a bunch of douchey characters live their lives. Perhaps because they are having a little more fun than most people are in their 30's/40's? Let's all go to Venice.
'Home Again' felt like a good episode, albeit recycled from three.
Agreed. Still get shudders from the recollection of them waving from the boat in the end credits.