Stu Good

I like subtlety more. Family Guy is a brick to the face. There's nothing to like about these characters; they are merely tools for cheap-shot satire, whereas The Simpsons could be liked as well as be funny. The Simpsons could be mean too (Homer's Enemy), but they were so much more. Family Guy mostly just makes fun of

Really? Will watch it if it's on, but it's a rather 1-D example of animated comedy, not to mention a little mean-spirited. Classic 'Simpsons, King of the Hill- hell, even South Park stand out more. I'd even take American Dad over Family Guy. Saying that, I thought the first season was pretty good, then they went for

Gosh, he was a man of excellent consistancy… but I'll go with.'The White Lady Loves You More' today.

Either/Or didn't absorb me when I first heard it. Figure 8 got me into his music a little later.

Okay, I get why many prefer his earlier material which was rather one-man-rebel for the time. Never understood though how XO comes on top over Figure 8 most of the time. XO screams filler.

😢 This is not THE worst 'Simpsons episode, but it's not great either. Probably the lowest they've sunk. Review is spot on.

Yes, I can't quite remember all the ending of Rosebud - but a classic for sure.

Gosh, I'd promised myself that when I was less transient and had more money I'd buy all The Simpsons on DVD. Now what will I do? The dream is over.

I feel like Marge should have been in this 'Simpsons episode more.

Meh. This has been done before and better. Homer as an alcoholic housewife was very funny though.

Probably a pointless question, but…shouldn't Bart have recognised his French tormentors?

They also used this piece a few episodes back when Lisa was in the school play. The writers seem very keen on this and Clare de Lune.

Also, Homer went to Paris when he was Carl's assistant. It was two or three seasons back and was a better episode than this one.

I think it needed a B plot.

Because it's apt.

This episode the only thing that got a laugh out of me was Marge and Maude's bad-mother-good-mother interactions. Very true to their original dynamics, even if Homer and Ned's were once again bastardised. Rod and Todd: "We can improve!".

I couldn't quite share in the enjoyment of the much lauded Halloween episode earlier this season, or the idea that this season might be better than 25 and 26 for that matter. This episode though, I could dig. Loved the rivalry between Marge and Lisa, plus the emotions didn't seem forced for once. Bart and Homer even

I think it's their way of re-injecting some heart back into the show, but it's a bit over-kill.

Has Homer been a butler or owned a bowling alley yet? If not they're surely on the cards.

No, but Maggie was once befriended by a bear, Homer was once attacked by one and Bart did own an Elephant.