Mike Dubya

That’s because no matter who it is, gay straight or purple, tumblrites are racists and a cancer to the internet.

Good thing I always skip EA’s conferences XD

It’s so sad he caved in like that to the SJW bullies and toolboxes who succeeded in bullying him into doing so. I’ve lost so much respect for them for apologizing for this bullshit, and I may not even buy Ni No Kuni 2 because of it.

Go fuck yourself, you stupid SJW

I’ve never in my life had a comment made me cry from laughter before. You are a fucking gentleman and a scholar.

Oh wow.... This looks amazing... It’s like laser tag on a whole new echelon of amazingness.

I won’t be giving up.

I guess I would be considered one of those people with the’FF disease’(FFIX! :D) but I’m open to FFXV and I’m certainly going to be getting it.

I really hope that does happen.