
Those Germans are so goddamned efficient!

That’s what we have nanotech for, you big dummy.

Fuck you, man! America RULZZ!!

It’s the first black man she’s ever seen that wasn’t wearing a white jacket and gloves. She probably pissed herself.

But then they just lumber on over to the over side of the house and break in anyway.

Lived in the States for DECADES, but couldn’t find the time to get her paperwork in order and get legal.

Haha! Way to persevere!

It’s a good first draft. But you need to go back to the rule of 3s with this. Too many beats.

We had 8 years of Clinton and 8 years of Obama. Not sure how that means we “keep losing”.

The Legend of Zelda is the best game ever made because it had a shiny gold cartridge.

Or restaurants could pay their workers a livable wage instead of relying on what amounts to slave labor and exploitation of immigrants.

You hate fun.

I always think it’s so cute when the Jackboot cheerily asks to see your idea as if he’s your best friend. “So, uh. haha! you know...if you have some idea, haha! just want to fill out my report...”

We had the TV on during the pre-game and she was out on the field catching footballs, which I thought was weird until I saw the finale of the halftime show.

What an original idea.

Stop thinking with your head and start thinking with your dick, dummy. Choose the red head. Problem solved.

Good boy.

Remember when 18gigs was SO MUCH MEMORY! We’ll never need more than that!

Yeah, but when we’re all RICH! it will be ok.

Those don’t really seem like “meltdowns” to me. Seems like every other press secretary I’ve ever seen.