because he disagrees with you? Nice
because he disagrees with you? Nice
Traitor ? to the what ? the official transgender party manifesto?
Friend, you need to chill. This is a bad POV
So original, so edgy
Pretty easily, not all countries have a crappy infrastructure
Atomic powaaaaa
Well when the people of this country stop considering unions and associations as evil, maybe there will be a better balance of power between corporations and individuals. They do not drink the kool aid, they gulp it down with passion even though they are getting royally screwed because they are afraid of the big bad…
Yeah but no. 1995 called, they want their preconceived ideas on DC back
and the interwebs does not provide anything other that intragram pictures and fantasy football updates, right ? Your point is somehow valid but ffs, we arent in the dark ages anymore. Knowledge is more widely available than ever and the argument of “i don’t know” or “nobody told me” is becoming less and less…
and? That there has been different classes through history is a fact. I don’t see your point
Asia for example has a history of correlating pale skin with status because it means you are not getting tanned from working rice fields. I believe the geisha are wearing white face. It is most likely not an evil white man invention.
Because the US is sort of the diet version of theocracies like Iran or Israel or the Vatican? And religion has always been perfect to keep the uneducated (see the relation here?) masses in check ?
Yet you guys keep electing him...
You got me bruv ! Here is your gold star. How does it feel to be all grown up?
So in your poor mind, advocating for justice and not revenge is defending rapists.
You have an opinion. Good for you.
and I see your point. I just disagree with it. Vengeance is not something I want the society i live in to partake in. Yes he is quite likely a terrible human being, yes he deserves to pay for his crimes but I draw the line here. No amount of cruel and unusual punishment will bring the kid back and I do not think that…
An eye for an eye and let’s all happily sit on the rule of law and the Constitution amendments....
What you are advocating is vengeance, not justice. and this is not ok
oh, enlighten us, please
Ha come on, this is a hit piece. Clean your own turf before dumping your frustration on others’.
A large portion of the black french population is not like the US’ AA. They have roots, and they know where they are coming from. That is a huge difference.