
Color me surprised... you guys seem to discover the US’ bullying  and get angry about it because it’s Trump.

Sexual battery being totally different from rape in the legal system so yeah, not charged with rape

Apparently, making fun of someone’s physical appearance is ok as long as this someone is not “the right kind”. I despise her but, c’mon guys, double speech much here ?

hahaha you are hilarious, you don’t get what facts are.
Hey i dont wish you harm, i just hope your mom dies :P

nah we both are. The only problem is that on top of being a moron, you are self-righteous, which makes you an imbecile.
go out of the US, see the world. You might learn things, you never know

brrrr the keyboard warrior has told me off, so scared... you are pitiful and i dont wish you harm. xoxo

Well, then you are not better than trumpists and their voter fraud, immigrant taking our jobs, fake news bullshit.

What happened to “innocent till proven guilty”? I guess y’all need to find a way to balance believing the alleged victim and respecting (at least some of) the rights of the alleged perp. There is a system, flawed as it is, but if you start taking an eye for an eye and be happy with it, then just go to effing hell too,

Beg to differ here. The whole wypipo/brogressive/evil white male trope kind of lumps everybody under the same umbrella... because #yesallmen and #allwhiteysareracist don’t treat you as an individual

I get it. You got a hammer bruv, got to keep looking for these nails... Quoting random shit pulled out of context and making a stretched connection that only exists in your mind doesn’t make you right. But keep at it, it might work someday

Just like Michigan was a slam dunk for HRC hihi

“guaranteed”. LOL
Dems have been crushed last year and so far, no phoenix has risen from the ashes. Still bickering on purity tests and incapable of deciding to whom they should pander, the left-wing ayatollahs or the no-good DINOs in the middle

It is a great list, pal, i didnt know the state dept had that. However, this is not even closely related to what i’ve written. Want to be a smart ass? Sure, find the ‘jew” or “jewish” or anything related in my post. I am waiting., take your time.
Criticism was towards Israel and their lobbying activities in the US and

nah, we can’t because it’s la-la land over there. Too many kumbayas and nobody gets shit done

So there is no issue saying all GOP reps and senators are bought by gun, oil, and coal lobbies but calling out a Dem on his reaaaaaally close ties with Israel lobbies is... not acceptable. What? Did Israel win a totem of immunity letting them off the hook forever for everything shitty they can do? Way to go buddy, way

The way the Dems and broader left are busy shooting each other in the legs and arguing abut purity tests, I would not be so sure the average Joe will be voting blue

it will be cheaper

Problem with calling out constantly for not living to your standards and doubting everything everyone does is that you actually are pretty much useless in the debate you know.. You’re the kid that’s pouting in the corner or pitching a fit because they can’t have what they want but you don’t contribute jack poop. You

As a side note, eyewitness reports are among the least accurate forms of evidence but it’s neither here nor there anyway

Also the youth is more left-leaning because they make on average less money and have less to be taxed so they are fine with taxation and ideals. Then, reality hits. hard. and they evolve