
at 7:03 to the end is just music

Tim Hortons is amazing

St Patrick's Day only 136day 8 hours and 21min but Halloween is my 2nd favorite and Christmas rounds out the top ten

would this be the photo everyone's looking for

my favorite is LPed "Loser Pissed" very self explanatory, you know the night you got LPed and pissed your pants and puked on the dog... ohhh last Friday...

the only ones i untag are photos of me doing things illegal....

Now playing

so i could use this to favorite "shake that bear"

i hated this whole season. it was more like a soap opera then anything else. I was happy it was over so i could stop watching.

Now playing

is that the voice from total annihilation

any one else notice that the home button was never pressed ??

what clarkson like in real life and what your favorite road in the world if you have one

as a guy, I'm 100% on his side and often say. Ill pick you up at 7 and wear a skirt or a dress. I just love the femininity of a dress or skirt

Gruden sucks and should not be aloud near the NFL. After the snow bowl i cant stand him, and hes a crappy announcer. I watch Monday night football in mute now

wow thank you for posting this. that is very interesting technology

I couldn't say it any better

wont using burnt cash be kinda obvious ???

so the blackberry z10 sucks but this would rule on an Iphone.... hmmmm

....... and this is on a technology blog because

Was i the only one that thought wow my Xbox can do that.