I’ve seen this on my Fire Stick version of the app, and cannot imagine using it. Maybe I don’t have enough free time, but my TV watching is definitely in a certain order.
I’ve seen this on my Fire Stick version of the app, and cannot imagine using it. Maybe I don’t have enough free time, but my TV watching is definitely in a certain order.
Same here. And I don’t use extra butter with them, I just eat them with a little bit of potato.
You can’t really bowl, mini-golf, or play tennis after knocking back several drinks.
Think of it as training. Most of life’s lessons are learned by making mistakes.
I’m not sure if you’re more suited to listless Goth rock or metal revolution rock. Either way I wish your band success.
There was a Hong Kong resident that caught the Asian and then the European version of COVID-19. Totally asymptomatic the second time, they only caught it because of a required test.
If I was the Halloween badman I’d cover my bladed apple with caramel and nuts to hide my misdeed.
Thankfully, most of those things aren’t “food”.
I often see the buildings on the weekends. They exist. They probably all exist without the taxpayer money, which I recall is based on created jobs. Therefore, we can call it a net gain for the region so far.
Just go ahead and say you don’t like fake peanut butter tastes. You’re not alone. Some crazies don’t even like banana Runts. Go join with them, crazy.
Cutaway told HuffPo that administrators had first offered to introduce liberal content as a counterbalance
False! This can’t be anybody’s favorite, as this was the most unnecessary scene in a movie full of unnecessary scenes.
I feel confident I can accurately rate that shirt without buying it.
Looks like he copied Robert Jordan once again.
The real world isn’t Twitter. Relax.
Good point. Illinois has gerrymandered the whole state mostly blue.
It would be an odd civil war where you go house by house to fight. There’s all kinds of voters in my area. The country is basically 50% for each side.
I’ve heard an author on the Adam Carolla Show podcast that wrote a book that dealt in part with his responses to Wim Hof training. Interestingly enough it is being credited by the author of taking away some of his natural fear responses that everyone has.
It should also mention not performing it while performing open heart surgery.
Agreed. She seems like a hammer looking for a nail.