
The thing that’s so confusing about all this is that transgender people present as their gender and not their biological sex. These laws only make things a hell of a lot more confusing. How can they not see this?!

If these people actually cared about the safety of women and children, they would prevent groups with a known history of sexual violence from entering public bathrooms. Frat boys, football players, Catholic priests and evangelical preachers, Republican congressmen. Trans people seriously need to step up their game if

I thought the same thing. It just goes to show how much this is about giving people permission to harass those who don’t conform to gender expectations as opposed to protecting women.

Yeah these assholes don’t give a shit about college co eds being raped at a fraternity party, but the transgender person who just wants to pee and be left alone, THEY’RE the problem.

men are VERY CONCERNED about trans people in the bathroom now because it scares and disempowers them. “what if someone i thought was a chick isn’t really a chick? omg.” that’s it.

Like when cops yell “stop resisting” when the victim isn’t resisting.


Does this look like it’s a single occupancy bathroom to anyone else? It kind of seemed like a door that could lock and the small garbage can is typical of small bathrooms isn’t it? Who could you possibly be helping by keeping someone from peeing in a bathroom that’s not being shared with anyone else?

No no no no no. If you’re trans, you’re not supposed to go to the bathroom at all. Or exist.

Well, that’s just what hetero dudes have done for centuries! That’s normal. Trans people peeing next to you tho, that’s yucky.

“AnonymousCivilPerson” somehow I do actually find that the civil response...

But...? Isn’t this what’s SUPPOSED to happen? IF hypothetically this woman was trans and was born female and presenting male, “legally” this person is in the correct restroom. So what the fuck is this guy doing? This is such a shit show.

Can we use this moment as an opportunity to start taking gender apart completely? Doesn’t every cis-gendered person have some traits that don’t completely conform to the gender with which they identify? Why not deliberately refer to this man as “ma’am” and pointing out to him the things that are gender non-conforming

I told my sister yesterday, “Soon you’ll start hearing about ‘police officers’ checking to make sure women have the right genitalia outside of public restrooms. Actual perverts will always find a way.” I’m from NC and this stupid bathroom law is truly violating people’s constitutional rights—trans people just trying

“I’m just trying to make sure you’re not being harassed!” (As I stand outside the bathroom, waiting to harass you)

Why in the world do they suddenly care about women being assaulted. No one seemed to care when it was a drunk guy trying to grope me in the middle of the street or on the subway or at a concert.

OH WAIT, ITS not about that is it

What the hell is this man doing with his life? Who has time for this shit? Why are the bigoted assholes the ones with all the time on their damn hands?

How long before someone who isn’t stable decides to be the Bathroom Monitor with a semi automatic and someone gets shot. Because this is exactly where this is headed.

I wonder what that age is, because my son is multiply handicapped and requires restroom assistance. Whichever one of us he’s with determines which restroom he uses. Period.

Hate-legislating non-issues into actual issues is kind of what the Republican Party does. They’ve gotten frighteningly good at it.

I’m not even American, and yet it’s so plain to see how hateful and ignorant their actions are.